System ServicesSystemd is a system and service manager for Linux Operating System.Systemd is designed to work with SysV init scripts, and have some features like start up of services on boot, on demand etc.You can easily stop, start and check any service status of Linux Operating System.Systemd has replaced init from Redhat 7. The SysV […]
You can follow below steps and can install Linux Operating System in VMWare Workstation. We are installing Red Hat 8.Step1: Go to your desktop icon of VMware Workstation and open it. It will prompt you with below screen for Create, Open and Connect to Virtual Machine. We will go ahead and create a new virtual […]
Below is sample Kickstart file for CentOS7 installation via network: #CentOS install via network # System language lang en_US # Keyboard layouts keyboard us # System timezone timezone Asia/Kolkata –isUtc # Root password rootpw –iscrypted encrypted-password #platform x86_64 reboot url –url= bootloader –append=”rhgb quiet crashkernel=auto” zerombr # Partition clearing information clearpart –all –initlabel #autopart # […]
We can use below script to add host and ip entries in /etc/hosts file. $ cat #!/bin/bash ## Append hostname and IP in /etc/hosts file hostname=$1 ip=$2 /usr/bin/sshpass -p ‘password’ ssh user@$1 "echo password | sudo -S sh -c ‘echo "$2 $1 $" >> /etc/hosts’" $ sh test-server It will make entry […]
Pulp is basically a open source repository management from where you can create a repository for your environment. You can copy a remote repository or can hosts your rpms.There are lot of commands which can help you managing your pulp repository. Start, Stop and Restart pulp services: # systemctl start pulp_celerybeat # systemctl start pulp_resource_manager […]
Step 1: On your client machine, Login via root. Step 2: Run below command to sync via NTP server. # ntpdate -u (Where is your NTP server) Step 3: Now go and add your ntp server to “ntp.conf” file. # vi /etc/ntp.conf server Step 4: Start ntp service. # systemctl start ntpd […]
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