AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of your AWS account.With CloudTrail, you can log, continuously monitor, and retain account activity related to actions across your AWS infrastructure.CloudTrail provides event history of your AWS account activity, including actions taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line […]

Virtual Memory Ballooning

Virtual memory ballooning is a computer memory reclamation technique used by a hypervisor to allow the physical host system to retrieve unused memory from certain guest virtual machines (VMs) and share it with others. Memory ballooning is a memory management feature used in most virtualization platforms which allows a host system to artificially enlarge its […]

AWS Config Service

In any web services it is very important to have a auditing and compliance management service. In AWS this feature is provided to us by AWS Config Service.AWS Config is a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources. Config continuously monitors and records your AWS resource configurations […]

Ansible playbook to delete the user after taking backup of home directory of user

If you have user on multiple servers and want to delete them by taking backup of home directory. You can use below Ansible playbook. This playbook is running by root user. # cat delete_user.yml ## Delete user "test_user" from servers — – hosts: db-hosts remote_user: root gather_facts: no tasks: – name: Take backup of home […]

Add another network in Solaris 11

If it is virtual machine then you can add new network via VMware and Check for newly added network on server, Like I got “net1” as shown below: # dladm show-phys LINK MEDIA STATE SPEED DUPLEX DEVICE net0 Ethernet up 1000 full e1000g0 net1 Ethernet unknown 0 unknown e1000g1 # Now create a new interface […]

Configure Postfix as Relay server on RHEL 6

postfix s a free and open-source mail transfer agent (MTA) that routes and delivers electronic mail. 1). First, we install postfix on server. yum install postfix  In case Sendmail is installed, erase it or stop the services of sendamil. yum remove sendmail or  service stop sendmail chkconfig sendmail off   2). After installation configure Postfix. […]

Changing of Hostname in Solaris10 & 11

For changing hostname in Solaris 10 you need to make changes in below files and reboot server. /etc/hosts /etc/nodename /etc/hostname.e1000g0 /var/crash/ # cd /var/crash # mv old-host-name new-host-name # reboot For changing hostname in Solaris 11 List current configuration: # svccfg -s system/identity:node listprop config config application config/enable_mapping boolean true config/ignore_dhcp_hostname boolean false config/loopback astring […]

Increase swap memory in Solaris 11

Firstly, check where your swap file is, If it is a ZFS volume created during the Solaris installation then follow below steps: # top -d1 | grep -i "total swap" Memory: 126G phys mem, 93G free mem, 4096M total swap, 4095M free swap # swap -l swapfile dev swaplo blocks free /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap 248,1 16 33554416 […]

pkg commands in Solaris 11

You can manage package management in Solaris 11 using “pkg” command which has install, update, search etc. as attributes to manage packages. # pkg list (It will show you all installed packages on server.) NAME (PUBLISHER) VERSION IFO archiver/gnu-tar 1.27.1- i– audio/audio-utilities 0.5.11- i– codec/flac 1.2.1- i– # pkg list | grep -i x11-info-clients (Grep […]

Linux Directory Structure

/bin : All the executable binary programs (file) required during booting, repairing, files required to run into single-user-mode, and other important, basic commands viz. , cat, du, df, tar, rpm, wc, history, etc. /boot : Holds important files during boot-up process, including Linux Kernel . /dev : Contains device files for all the hardware devices […]