When you work in Linux Terminal, It involves using keyboard shortcuts to perform common tasks. Here are some useful shortcuts:
History Shortcuts:
Up Arrow / Down Arrow: Navigate through command history.
Ctrl + R: Reverse search in command history.
!!: Repeat the last command.
!n: Repeat the nth command in history.
Navigation Shortcuts:
Ctrl + A: Move to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + E: Move to the end of the line.
Ctrl + U: Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + W: Delete the word before the cursor.
Ctrl + L: Clear the screen.
Ctrl + K: Delete from the cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl + R: Search command history interactively.
Command Execution Shortcuts:
Ctrl + C: Terminate the current command.
Ctrl + Z: Suspend the current command (put it in the background).
Ctrl + D: Logout or exit (depending on the context).
Ctrl + : Terminate the current command and create a core dump.
Process Management Shortcuts:
Ctrl + Z: Suspend a process (in the foreground).
Ctrl + C: Kill the currently running process.
Ctrl + D: Send an EOF (End of File) to a process (terminate it).
Ctrl + L: Refresh the terminal.
Some Other Useful Shortcuts:
Ctrl + Alt + F1 to F6: Switch to different virtual terminals.
Ctrl + Alt + F7 or F8: Return to the graphical environment (Xorg).
Ctrl + Alt + T: Open a new terminal window.