To disable Nagios alerts for a hostgroup, You need login to nagios server and make changes in your Nagios configuration. Basically, you'll need to modify the hostgroup definition. Below are the setps needed to disable alerts for a hostgroup.
Step1: Login to your Nagios server using SSH:
Log in to the Nagios Server using SSH with user having administrative privileges.
Now go and locate the Nagios configuration files. It is located mostly at "/etc/nagios or /usr/local/nagios/etc directory". But can be changed as per organization. The main configuration file is typically called nagios.cfg, and hostgroup definitions are stored in hostsgroups.cfg.
Step2: Edit the hostgroup definition in required file.
Before making any changes, it's important to take backup of the configuration files so that you have original files in case of any data loss or misconfiguration.