Introduction to YAML

YAML stands for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language” or sometimes “YAML Ain’t a Markup Language”. It is simple, text-based and human readable format. It is very easy to understand.It is a data serialization language. It is vastly used in DevOps. It also works in promgramming language like python, Go, etc. If you see DevOps tools, it […]

How to update puppet certificate on puppet client?

You can use below command to update puppet client certificate using below commands. Go to your puppet master and clean client certificate: # puppetserver ca clean <hostname> Now login to client and run below commands: # systemctl stop puppet # rm -r /var/lib/puppet/ssl # systemctl start puppet On Server go and register if needed: # […]

Create a partition using Ansible playbook and extend the same

Below is the playbook which will create a LVM partition. Here, It will create PV, VG and then LVM which will be mounted on /dir. ## To create pv, vg:vg_test, lv:lv_test, filesystem, and mount it on /dir – hosts: server remote_user: ansible become: yes become_method: sudo connection: ssh gather_facts: yes tasks: – name: To create […]

Ansible Tower Installation on CentOS

Ansible tower is web based automation tool which is used to manage your infrastructure. It is based on Ansible’s capabilities and provide some more enhanced features for managing the tasks. You can do whatever can be done by Ansible. Below are the steps to install Ansible Tower on CentOS.Let’s update the OS first and then […]

Ansible Roles

Ansible roles provode a framework so that you will have an organized structure of your projects that you are implementing to target hosts.It basically organize and package Ansible playbooks and associated files into reusable and modular units. It allows you to encapsulate specific tasks, configurations, and dependencies for a particular component or function within your […]

How to pass variable while running playbook on command line

Let’s take an example of below playbook which has variables defined. You can see “vars” section of playbook. It has multiple variables like pkg, myuser etc. Now user is looking to change one variable during run time and rest can go same. You need to just pass value if variable while running playbook using option […]

Ansible Vault

ansible-vault is a command-line tool which is part of Ansible. It is specifically designed to help you encrypt sensitive data within your Ansible playbooks and inventory files, ensuring that your sensitive information remains secure and safe. Ansible vault does not implement its own cryptographic functions instead it uses a external python toolkit.Below are some points […]

Privileged Escalation in Ansible

In Ansible, privileged escalation refers to the process of elevating the permissions of a user or a process to gain higher levels of access or privilege on a remote system when you are performing any taks on managed systems. This is required when performing certain administrative tasks that demand superuser or administrative privileges, such as […]

QA on Ansible

Q.1 What is Ansible and what are its features? Ansible is an open-source automation tool that helps the deployment, configuration management, and orchestration of IT infrastructure. It is designed to automate repetitive tasks and you can configure lot of things using this tool.It is Agentless. Ansible uses a push-based architecture so it does not require […]

How to install Ansible and enable passwordless SSH authentication with nodes on Linux

Step1: Install Ansible: # yum install ansible Step2: Generate an SSH key pair on the control node: # ssh-keygen Go for default options for key name and location and leave passphrase blank. Step3: Copy the public key to the remote nodes from control node. # ssh-copy-id username@remote_host (Put username and hostname of remote machines) Step4: […]