In Ansible, privileged escalation refers to the process of elevating the permissions of a user or a process to gain higher levels of access or privilege on a remote system when you are performing any taks on managed systems. This is required when performing certain administrative tasks that demand superuser or administrative privileges, such as […]
Q.1 What is Ansible and what are its features? Ansible is an open-source automation tool that helps the deployment, configuration management, and orchestration of IT infrastructure. It is designed to automate repetitive tasks and you can configure lot of things using this tool.It is Agentless. Ansible uses a push-based architecture so it does not require […]
Sudoers file is a file which plays a very important role in managing user and group access which can be performed on system. You can assign privileges to users and groups as per requirement. Root is super user and have all access. You can also provide root level access to normal user. Root user has […]
For configuring static IP Address in Ubuntu Server you need to make netplan configuration changes in /etc/netplan/ directory. # cd /etc/netplan/ Now go and edit the configuration file there named “00-installer-config.yaml” and add below configuration for static IP address: (Bold are added lines) # vi 00-installer-config.yaml # This is the network config written by ‘subiquity’ […]
Step1: Install Ansible: # yum install ansible Step2: Generate an SSH key pair on the control node: # ssh-keygen Go for default options for key name and location and leave passphrase blank. Step3: Copy the public key to the remote nodes from control node. # ssh-copy-id username@remote_host (Put username and hostname of remote machines) Step4: […]
Any User can be assigned to any physical user or accounts that exists for specific application to use. Each user is assigned with a unique numerical identification number called UID. User ID (UID) 0-999 reserved for system purpose and we can create other user with 1000+.Groups are logical expression of organization where multiple users can […]
Check version of openssl: # openssl version Print available commands for openssl: # openssl list -standard-commands or # openssl help Check SSL certificate of mentioned URL: # openssl s_client -connect -showcerts To generate rsa key: # openssl genrsa -out testing.key 2048 Generate CSR and RSA key: # openssl req -out testing.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes […]
Q.1: What are the most common DevOps tools we use and let us know benefits of them. The most DevOps tools are Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Git, Jenkins, Bamboo, Docker, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Openshift, Nagios etc. Few details are as: Ansible, Puppet are configuration Management tool. Git is versioning tool. Docker is used for container services. […]
Run below commands to delete filesystem (fs) from zone named zone01: # zonecfg -z zone01 zonecfg:zone01> remove fs dir=/data01 zonecfg:zone01> remove fs dir=/data02 zonecfg:zone01> commit zonecfg:zone01> exit # Now destroy the zfs filesystem from the hosts: # zfs destroy data_pool/data01/zone01 # zfs destroy data_pool/data02/zone01
A gateway is a network node used in telecommunications that connects two networks with different transmission protocols together. Gateways serve as an entry and exit point for a network as all data must pass through or communicate with the gateway prior to being routed. All the possible ways to find default gateway in Linux The most commonly used tools […]
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