User and Group Management

Any User can be assigned to any physical user or accounts that exists for specific application to use. Each user is assigned with a unique numerical identification number called UID. User ID (UID) 0-999 reserved for system purpose and we can create other user with 1000+.Groups are logical expression of organization where multiple users can […]

Useful openssl Command Examples

Check version of openssl: # openssl version Print available commands for openssl: # openssl list -standard-commands or # openssl help Check SSL certificate of mentioned URL: # openssl s_client -connect -showcerts To generate rsa key: # openssl genrsa -out testing.key 2048 Generate CSR and RSA key: # openssl req -out testing.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes […]

QA on DevOps

Q.1: What are the most common DevOps tools we use and let us know benefits of them. The most DevOps tools are Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Git, Jenkins, Bamboo, Docker, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Openshift, Nagios etc. Few details are as: Ansible, Puppet are configuration Management tool. Git is versioning tool. Docker is used for container services. […]